Thursday, May 23, 2013

2 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back!!!!

OMG, Morphine please take me away!!
I am getting so frustrated today. One minute I am doing great, have very little pain, then time for a dressing change.  Now my leg is literally on fire AGAIN!!!!

I was told Monday that we have to switch ointment meds on the burn, cause lovely Blue Cross Blue Shield decides that they don't want to have to pay for the script.  So for 6 tubes(mind you, 1 entire tube is used for 1 leg, and you have to change it daily, so 6 tubes is for 3 days), with insurance it is $762.00. Yes you read that right SEVEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY TWO DOLLARS?!!

Do they they know that this medicine is needed for the burns to heal and not get it infected?  well i cant get it because it is to expensive.  Feel like I am in a catch 22 right now.  

To top it off, it seems that it is always 2 steps forward and then 1 step back with starting to heal and feel better.   So, am I getting anywhere but shuffling my feet?  Now on to a more positive note.....

I have to say thanks to my good friend Sue, who I received a get well card from yesterday,  even though we may not see each other that much, because she lives out in Lees Summit, not a day goes by that I don't think of her and the fun times we had!

Next, I have to say thanks to my Deputy Director Johnny Jones and his wife for sending me a get well card.  This was much appreciated and noticed, because it came specifically from him.  It kinda cracks me up because, from work, the only people I have talked to and have either came by or stopped at the hospital are Adam and his wife Olga.  They came to KU and brought me flowers and a card from them.

Rhonda  Freeman also Came to the hospital at KU to see me when she had a slight break in between her own medical testing.  Then of course my trusty side kick Kari was at KU on Thursday with me also.  Plus she took off work to bring my youngest son to the hospital because he was worried.  I also talk to her everyday when she  calls to check on me.  I cant forget our oh so fearless Lead, Mr. Chuckie Davis, who makes house calls and brings chocolate cake and ice cream to make me feel better.  Yes I only got 1 piece of cake, because "You Know Who" ate all the rest of it, but i did get 1 piece.  Then I received a card from the LTC at the JRCF, wishing me well and saying she was hoping I was ok.  I have also received messages on Facebook, asking how i was, from my co worker Christi.  

Then last but not least, my husbands Work Wife, Sabrina Conway, she keeps up with me on Facebook and calls me at least once a day to check up on me.  So, for a facility/company/directorate that says they care about the people who work for them, I'm not seeing it!  But it is all good this is the exact reason I did not want everyone to know what happened.  I cold imagine people just coming around or calling to nbe nosey.  Someone always wants to know what's going on and spread gossip!  

I also received a nice card from my friend Shari in California and her daughter Lacey, who went through Basic Training together and graduated from basic at the same time.  She and I became fast friends through the family website for the kids' basic class.  It was great to see they were thinking about me.  Love ya girls!  

Tonight after my bandage change, I got a surprise visit from my good friend Jennifer Gum, who brought me a caramel Sundae, with extra caramel and extra nuts!!!!!!!!  This made me smile, as through the years we have known each other (from junior high school at West Jr High), to now, whenever one of us are sick, down,or injured, we always go buy the hurting one a sundae from McDonalds.  And you can't get yourself one, only the person who is sick and down.  And damn that was a good sundae.  It had SOOOO much Caramel in it that each spoonful i got a big bite of caramel in it!!!

I am so lucky that I have the few good friends that will do anything for me and also take time out of their busy days to either call me to check on me or even stop by!!!  I appreciate it all.  This is what keeps my spirits up and keeps me from thinking about the burns and scars that I will probably have! 

Well I guess I better get some sleep tonight, cause this new damn ointment is causing a lot of burning sensation and I want to scream and rip the bandages off.  

I will update tomorrow with more healing pictures since I will have to change bandages again.  I am trying to take progress pictures every 2 days at least!

P.S....for that one nut I work with, that makes me laugh, I won't mention any names.......BOBBY MCNAIR, this is for you!!!

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