Monday, May 27, 2013

Day 12 of healing

Today is day 12 of healing. Things are going pretty good with healing on my left leg.  I am not having to bandage it now.  I do have to still wear compression on it so I can try to keep the scars minimal.  But other than that the skin is starting to grow back really good.  I have hair growing on i, which may be gross to some, I am happy about it because this means it shouldn't scar to badly.

Right leg is doing better, but not 100% yet.  On my upper calf, the healing is going great. But I have about 3 spots on my lower leg and ankle that are 3rd degree and are not healing as well as I would like.  It is getting better day by day, but not as fast as I would like it to.  I'm impatient like that. Lol.  But on a good note,I am now walking more with the walker and trying to walk without it.  I still sometimes have to use the wheelchair, Mostly at night when I have been asleep and I have to get up.  My legs are stiff then and ache a lot. But it,getting better day by day and I keep remaining myself how very lucky I am to have come out of this with the little pain and burns that I did!


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