Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day 2 in KU Medical center burn unit

Well I made it through the first night.  Not without a lot of pain though.  I had a lot of breakthrough pain and had to call the nurse several times for pain meds to get me through the night.  They were talking about letting me go home today, but I'm not sure if that is a good idea.  My legs looked ok after changing my bandages.  The PA believes I have 2nd degree burns on both legs but there are a couple spots she is worried cold be 3rd degree.  We will have to wait and see.  As of right now, I will not need skin grafts.  

The nurses and PA came in and put compression stockings on j legs to keep the swelling down, but OMG it hurt so bad.  I went to go to the bathroom and thank god my sisters were with me because I started to pass out from the pain of the compression stockings.  My sisters got me back to bed and the nurses came in and cut off the stockings.  They tried to reward them again, but the same thing happened again.  

This ended up aggravating all the nerve endings in my legs so I got another night stay in the hospital.  My goal was to be home by Friday.  

Did I mention that Jared and I were supposed to leave for Mexico on Saturday and had to cancel our entire trip!  I am so bummed out.  
Day 3 next.... Time to go home!

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