Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day 3, Friday May 17, 2013

Well it looks like today is the day to go home, Friday May 17.  Still have quite a bit of pain,but at least I got some sleep through the night.  I am having some reaction to the morphine I am on as I have hives and itch horribly bad.  But it is a known side effect of opioids and can't do anything for it but take Benadryl.  

The PA came in and decided I could go home but had to be back in the burn center on Monday for dressing change.    Went home and had a decent weekend.  Didn't do much but slept and followed up with phone calls and people who came to visit.  I did have to rent a wheelchair as I am having a really hard time standing on my feet.  My right leg is the worst and I can't put any weight on it.  It is bad enough that when I put my legs done to get in the wheelchair, all the look rushes to m legs and I scream.  

Our wonderful neighbors across the street Mrs. Nancy and her daughter Amanda made us baked Mac and cheese for dinner Friday ought.  It was so good and I appreciate their help.  They have been really concerned about me and I appreciate it.  

Monday morning came and it was time to go to KU burn center for bandage change.  Let me just forewarn you now, it hurt like a Mother Fu$&@r.  They probably heard more dirty words out of my mouth than a sailor. The yellow skin tape layer they put on first had dried up after 3 days and just ripped open my legs and caused them to bleed.  I curled in the corner and cried it hurt so bad!    

Once all the bandages were off we got a better look at the legs and the right one is much worse then the left,leg.  I have some spots that are 3rd degree but most are 2nd.  Now I just need them to heal.  Jared has to change my dressings everyday instead of me going back to ku everyday,  Lets see how he does and if it will being us closer together!!!
The Dr gave me a note saying I will be off work for the least amount of 4 weeks, may be more depending on how it is healing.  I can't have it getting an infection and lose my leg.  

Today was my first day home by myself all day as Jared went to work and Austin to school.  I did pretty good getting around by myself.  And when he got home it was time for me to have the dressing changed.  They recommended that I get both legs in the bathtub with the bandages on and let them sock through so as not to rip them anymore.  Thank god for the smart nurses, cause that helped 100%. Amanda, my neighbor came over and helped Jared change all my dressings.  They worked pretty well together as a team and got me re bandages without any mishaps!  

Then it was time for dinner courtesy of Mrs. Nancy again.  Homemade shepards pie....mmmmmmmm good!  

Oh and I forgot to mention that the ointment they want me to use on my legs is a collagen ointment to help rebuild all the layers.  Well after my BCBS insurance, my copy for 7 tubes was $....brace for it.....$792.00. Holy hell, I can't afford that.  Who can?  One of the tubes lasts only for 1 leg also so I bit the bullet and got 2 tubes so I can try to get the collagen growing again?  Well I think I am caught up so it will be easier to log Dailey now.  Thanks to all my visitors and well wishes.  I appreciate them all!  And a big thank you to my husband for busting his ads forms and everything you have Done!  Thanks so much.  

1 comment:

  1. Holy Jesus Michele - I'm so sorry. I just cannot imagine. I'm glad you are here but sorry you're having to go through so much pain. And holy sh*t on the cream - ridiculous!
