Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday May 22, 2013 1 week ago today.....

It is hard to believe that one week ago today I was packing for my trip to Mexico and in the blink of an eye all those plans changed.  In the last week I have learned who my true friends are, who are my friends that would do anything for me and last but not least, that my husband loves me and does honor his vows to love me in sickness and health.
           This was us in Mexico last year in May.

I have a dr appt at 2:00 today as I'm having huge welts from the morphine.  I have literally scratched my back raw.  My arms and upper legs are almost there also.  I also did something to the back ofmy heel   on my right foot. Ever since yesterday, I can not put my foot down with any type of pressure to my heel. Not even light pressure.   I hope something isn't broken or my tendons aren't damaged.  ave faith in the Dr is what I keep telling myself!  

Once I get back today I will go through a bandage change and I will take pics of 1 week post accident.    Time to take some meds and go to lala land for a while.  

P.S...I AM ALSO CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN THE LEAVE DONATION PROGRAM, SO IF YOU WORK FOR THR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND HAVE A LITTLE EXTRA LEAVE TO DONATE FOR MY EXTENDED TIME OFF,  I WOULD APPRECIATE IT.  JUST REMEMBER......., "EVERY LITTLE BIT COUNTS." So even if it is 1 day here or 2 there, I appreciate the thought.  Even if you can't, please continue to keep my family and myself in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

It's Morphine time!!!!!  Talk at ya later!! for interagency donation for outside the agency

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