Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 10 of healing....

Well here we are 10 days from the accident and 1 leg is doing great, the other ,not so great!!!  Youcan definitely   tell which leg got hit the worst.  My left leg was all 2nd degree burns and is doing really good. All the open wounds are pretty much closed now and it is just old skin coming off and new skin trying to grow.  

Now the right leg is another story. It was the worst of the 2.  This one I have a lot of 2nd degree burns, but there are also a few 3rd degree in there.  Most of the 3rd degree are around my ankle and where my foot bends.  The rest of the leg looks really good and has some re growth of skin,but My ankle is a bloody raw mess.  Jared and I went to change bandages and clean it today and it just bled and bled.  And let me tell you, when you are trying to clean it with anti-bacterial soap and there are open wounds, that shit hurts!!!!  I want to cry! But I suck it up cause I want it to heal without a lot of scars.

All in all, I think we have been doing a great job of taking care of the burns and getting them to heal.  Jared is a huge help when it comes to cleaning them everyday and also with making sure I am not in pain and am being taken care of.

I did receive 2 great surprises yesterday.  I received Beautiful flowers from Jared's Aunt Donna and Uncle Dan in Oregon.  They are so beautiful.  I have them sitting on the mantle in my bedroom so I can look at the, all the time.   I Am so thankful he has great Aunts that are so caring and loving.  They check on me all the time and make sure I am ok.  

I also received a pretty cool gift from my Aunt Terry.  she is my moms sister who lives in Virginia.  She sent me a dammit doll!  It is the cutest thing. She advised me to use it when they are changing my bandage and it  hurts, or i am in pain in general or Just not in a good mood.  It comes with a cool poem that says: "Whenever things don't go so well, And you want to hit the wall and yell, Here's a little Dammit doll, That you can't do without. Just grasp it firmly by the legs And find a place to slam it. And as you whack the stuffing out Yell "Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!" 

Well I also had my older sister julie and my niece kaitlyn come over to help me yesterday get a bath,change my bandages and also do a couple errands.  Kaitlyn fell in love with my chair and wanted tried on my lap.  It was so cute, she would thrower hands In the air and yell WEEEEEE!  I was so cute. Well I better close for today. Have that lunch and the we have someone coming over to pick up the camper remains for scrap metal.  So glad I will be don looking at it!!!

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